Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What are you printing on?

Conscious Cow loves books that wax poetic about recycling and reducing consumer waste. Conscious Cow also loves it when creatures walk their talk. Seriously, doesn’t it make sense for publishers of those “tree hugging” books to print them on 100% post-consumer recycled content?

Let’s save our magical leafed friends (aka trees) and use what’s already out there!

Steps YOU can take to reduce the number of trees felled each year:

  1. print on both sides of the paper
  2. reduce your font size (and use a magnifying glass if necessary)
  3. shrink the margins on the page
  4. buy tree-free paper (more about that in another post)
  5. cut used paper into squares for use as scrap paper
  6. save envelopes that come with bills & other correspondence for reuse as scrap paper
  7. shred used paper and make new paper
  8. call or email the publishers of your favorite books and tell them you want them to print books on 100% post-consumer recycled content paper

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